Adland's podcast ep 5: Marc Lewis, SCA Dean on launching an online creative school

In this episode of Adland's podcast, I have a nice chat with Marc Lewis, the Dean of the School of Communication Arts, London about the future for the new creative generation in general and his school in particular. As schools have locked down, Marc had the foresight to envision an online version of this creative bootcamp, and SCA students can be in school virtually now, with their own personal offices, a smoke room and even a pub. 

The SCA, which in its first incarnation was created by John Gillard "the pied piper of advertising", is now the most awarded ad school in the world with both short courses and a full year complete with six months internship. It is where copywriters, art directors, creative technologists and ideapreneurs meet and hone their skills, network and teamwork in the heart of London. It's not for the lazy. 

Adland's Podcast is available everywhere like at apple podcasts, Google podcasts, on blubrry, at listennotes, at tunenin, on Spotify, and you can listen with the pocketcasts app too. 

The spiffy intro/outro tune is as always "(How to Keep Your) Husband Happy", by the Cosmopolitans, and is available on AmazoniTunesGoogle and the streaming service of your choice. 

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