Adland's Podcast ep 3: Ian David, founder of FEARLESS on the future

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This time on Adland's podcast, in the episode I chat with Ian David, founder of Fearless, a creative network of mavericks. We discuss, among other things what inspired him to do this, as well as the possible future of advertising in these changing times. 

We also dip in some nostalgic ad memories, recalling great creative work of the past by maverick creatives such as Mary Wells, who wrote "A Big Life in Advertising" about her astonishing career.

Some of the ads that Mary Well Lawrence created are here in Adland's archives, and on the podcast, Ian mentioned the Braniff Airlines work as well as her American Motors campaigns, which are but two examples of her prolific portfolio shown here below. 


The spiffy intro/outro tune is as always "(How to Keep Your) Husband Happy", by the Cosmopolitans, and is available on AmazoniTunesGoogle and the streaming service of your choice. 

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Rodolfo Marques's picture

Hello. I'm from Brazil and working in Chile right now, for a big US Agency Network and I do not agree that the huge amount of effort put on ghost-campaigns driven to feed the industry of Ad Awards we all know well is not a need. They do it because they do not know how to do differently, they made lots of money doing it and are now afraid of changing. They are using all their power to ignore what is going on in the market and with the consumers. Actually, most of the "great creatives" we have here in Latin America were never great. They have been working in fake campaigns or even playing alone in a big-five dominated market. That's sad, but there are people working to change it (not an easy way to choose in the industry, but, principles first :) ) Great content. Love Fearless. Thank, Ian David!

Dabitch's picture

Hey Rodolfo, thanks for the input. I know many great Brazilian creatives working outside of Brazil now, and my knowledge of how the big letter agencies function inside of Brazil is hearsay that I got from them, and I didn't mean to make it sound like this is always happening at every agency. There are also a lot of agencies outside of Brazil who operate with legendary "award wings" that basically make ghost ads that can bring the metal. *sigh*

Thanks for listening!