adidas '#runmore" (2015) 1:15 (Canada)

Set to a dreamy, inspiring VO, this spot for adidas moves away from thematic style and gets personal. The woman runs sometimes because she wants to, and sometimes she doesn't want to run at all, but still runs. It's a part of her. My favorite scene in this spot is at the end when she passes what I would call adidas Originals kids. You know, the cool kids who like to drag their sofa out on the sidewalk and shoot flare guns and have house parties. This girl don't need no adi kids.

By the way, #runmore is a larger initiative designed to get the cool kids off the sofa and into a pair of running shoes. There's even a website called Run More with motivational slogans, neat imagery, the above film and some Spotify playlists designed to get you running. Eventually you can add your own playlist, too.

Client: adidas Canada
Agency: Tribal Worldwide Canada

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Dabitch's picture

This feels like recycled Nike (me me I run, me me me) than Adidas - though I love the nod to the old Adi fashion kids that I have always despised. (disclaimer. I don't wear adidas - only did once to a RUN DMC concert and ...oh holy hell I am old..)