AdHack Valentine's Day commercial.

AdHack a "DIY advertising community" who probably have no idea how apt their name is, have created this chocolate love ad for Valentine's day which gets extra goooeeeey at the end. Man that's perverse. ;)

"The Chocolate Love Ad Concept:
Giant Ant Media says "Pretty simple. We wanted to make a connection between chocolate and romance, and chocolate as an aphrodisiac but without using people. By using the chocolates, the video is still racy, which we wanted, but not crude and still retains a 'cuteness' about it. This video could work as an ad for a chocolate company (Purdy's/Lindt), or even for a brand that sells 'romantic' goods (Oh My/Kama Sutra)."

"Chocolate Love" is a short, stop-motion animation, shot on a light box. 367 Frames.

What is AdHack? About them explains:

AdHack is all about real people telling real stories about their real experiences. No focus groups, no research, no target audience, just the real deal.
It's advertising, hacked. Advertising by the people, for the people. Do-it-yourself advertising. Anyone can see it, anyone can make it.
From huge international products like iPods, Hondas and Carnival Cruises to the cobbler around the corner, the butcher up the street or the boutique downtown, find our what people are saying. What people really feel. What they love and what they hate. Hack Advertising. Do it yourself.
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Wendall's picture


alex's picture

A Mr. Svankmajer from Prague writes:

"Where's my acknowledgements?"

Dabitch's picture
alex's picture

Well, Svankmajer's Meat Love comes to mind (it's on Youtube). Very topical for Valentine's Day.

kidsleepy's picture

svankmajer + valentine's day = love.

somisguided's picture

So cool, thanks for posting about AdHack.

There are a couple of other ads we created that aren't as racy. More sexy than racy.

I'm rather alarmed at the Meat Love!

Check out the other AdHack ads