More red than blue? Horseshit. Seriously. Have you checked the polls lately? But besides all that, the ads are just crap. I mean, helping someone with their stroller is not responsible--it's just a nice thing to do. Paying your bills on time is responsible. And not shafting your policy holders in their time of need, that's responsible too.
I'll go one better: I loathe this commercial. It has no connection with the product (what IS the product?) and is nothing but a cheap use of a mostly naked woman. Until I see a similar one with a guy, I'm going to be seething. Once I see one with a naked guy, I'll only be disappointed because the commercial still sucks.
Sounds like another money-saving idea brought to you by marketing wonks in suits. When you read the rights you sign over to the companies for contests like this, it's a wonder they don't actually end up owning your house.
Here's the general thinking by these people...
Have a digital camera? You're a photographer.
Have a computer with PowerPoint? You're a designer.
Have a video cam? You're a director.
Have GarageBand? You're a musician AND a music producer.
And, best of all, if you are any of the above, you can have the joy of giving your work to us (the Company) and we'll give you 15 seconds of fame in return.
It's getting very scary for creatives out there.
Funny, everyone I know who is NOT in the biz loves the Pillagers spots. They remember them AND remember that they are Capitol One spots. Generally, the David Spade ones are loathed, mostly, though there seems to be some weird enjoyment of the guy who screams like a girl. I think people just hate David Spade.
The point is that the barbarian/pillager spots appear to be effective.
Hmmm...maybe I'm crazy, but wouldn't usage-based pricing solve a lot of the problems? For example, if the media is purchase directly by the client or through some other agency, the creative agency knows how financially important it is to produce good, balls-on creative for that space. A $25M media buy is not as expensive as a $250M media buy so it shouldn't cost as much for the creative (yes, even though a $25M media buy may be HUGE for the client involved while the other may not). So, price based on a percentage of the buy. Then, to ensure profitability and accountability, build in a performance-based "bonus" into the contract.
Of course, I'm just musing here...
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Because people who like to watch science programs are geeks who rarely/never get laid, have tape on their glasses, and are fascinated by bathroom humor...and old episode of Bevis & Butthead, apparently. ::smirk::
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