Yeah, creating an effective campaign against drugs is difficult. But to say that I support terrorism when I buy a bag of weed feels more like a good reason to legalize drugs, not quit buying them. Besides, if there is so much money to be made in drugs shouldn't America just legalize and keep that money in the family? People are going to do drugs, all we can do is educate them. amen.
As soon as I saw the "Sillen från tjörn" on TV I wanted to find out who made it and call them just to let them know that they didn't get away with it! I couldn't believe how they completely regurgitated the spicy meatball (ooh that turned out sounding rather icky) with a swedish twist.
I totally agree about the packaging. my best guess would be that Jack Daniels wasn't quite satisfied with just being the most recognized whiskey brand in the world. Why only sell to cowboys and Aerosmith fans when the could tap into the younger market as well? hence the softer look of "hard cola" -which will surely lead to world domination.
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Nope, sorry but the story doesn't even get close to my graveyard shifts at the LaFlora Hotel. I'm sharing my dirty secrets chronologically so it could be years before there's any mention of the boozing and pimping that went on in Miami. Stay tuned.
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