I really don't know what to say. I can't believe that a person in the position of "executive director" would allow themselves to be quoted while saying something so ignorant and stupid. Although...it's not all that surprising I guess when the group is filled with ignorant people.
If I was an advertiser, I'd want them to boycott...hell if I'd want ignorant, discriminatory, vile people buying my product.
There is nothing more provocaive about this ad than the underwear print and catalog ads of years ago. The ads and packages for pantyhose showed nice bare bottoms and stocking feet in pantyhose to show how soft and comfy they looked and felt. Anyone who wears them, myself included, would agree. That's truth in advertising.
Give me a break.
I'm not the original Jewish poster, but Jewish all the same.
Christianity doesn't appeal to Jews and neither does Jesus as a "lord and savior" because the KEY difference between Judaism and Christianity is that Jews don't think Jesus was the Messiah. Once a Jew hops to the other side of the fence... they are Christians (Yes, Jews for Jesus are a bunch of delusional Christian converts ). As for the this magazine reaching ANYONE - Those with half a brain would cringe.
Re: the original bible: Some good stories, nice little text book of 2000-5000 year old morality. I've read much more interesting - and better written texts.
But thanks for trying to spread the word, I'm sure you're just THAT MUCH CLOSER to heaven now. Enjoy your white robe, wings, and harp.
Wow. Exclusively anonymous comments here. Interesting.
Well, don't wanna rock the boat, so I'll be anon as well.
After viewing these spots, I still like Irish folk. And, I heard "myth." "Mick" never crossed my mind.
Language only has the power to be offensive when people allow themselves to be offended.
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aren't people in Montana really friendly to sheep?
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