Adblock Plus "Mobile" (2015) 1:42 (USA)

Since HTML-5 is the new industry standard, flash ads are going the way of the dodo. Even more so because if users want to see those animations, they'll have to enable just as they have to enable sound. And despite what your case study might say, the majority of people aren't doing this. Also, you have every right to grumble aout making banner ads, too. Static, rich or made in fully-total-immersion Surroundsound Technicolor, the only time people click on a mobile banner ad is by accident. We all know it.

Thankfully, Adblock Plus, that wonderful plug-in that makes my browsers look so clean and devoid of advertising, now has a mobile version for Android-- and iOS 9. Yeah, they have it ready for Apple even before Apple's had their yearly wankfest.

I see this as a great step that perhaps might encourage media companies to get a wiser media plan (and not a one-size-fits-all-in-advance) for their ad spend, and advertising agencies to start coming up with creative the consumer won't do everything in their power to run from, but rather embrace.

Hey, it's the first day back from the Labor Day vacation. I'm feeling optimistic.

Client: Adblock Plus

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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David Felton's picture

...the only time people click on a mobile banner ad is by accident.

So true.