This poor poor creative wakes up one morning to find that he's jammed in his bed between lots of scantily clad ladies. He proceeds to wash his face, only to gain makeup. He sullenly walks to work in ass-showing leather chaps. This is what happens when you're a rock star!
Every year, for the past five years, the Toronto advertising community puts on AdBands – yep, a night of music featuring bands made up of people in advertising. Imagine that – people in advertising behaving like rock stars (cough). To promote AdBands 6, being held Thursday, June 17th, john st. and Radke Films director Craig Brownrigg made this hilarious spot.
All proceeds from AdBands 6 go to The Tennyson Quance Foundation for Autism.
Agency: john st.
Creative Directors: Angus Tucker, Steven Jurisic
Art Director: Andrew Livingston
Writer: Simon Bryun
Agency Producer: Michelle Orlando
Director: Craig Brownrigg
Production Company: Radke Films
Executive Producer: Scott Mackenzie
Line Producer: Gillian Marr
DP: Brett VanDyke
Editorial: Bran Williams, Posterboy Edit
Online: Crush
Transfer: Bill Ferwerda, Notch
Music: Vapor