Ad campaign without a poker face & foul hand.

Our friends at Bold have found an ad campaign so bad, its terrifyingly terrible.

"Good poker players always know their odds" is one of the lines.

The poker room site has promotional films here, where Swenglish tries to pass for English, the acting is stiffer than a senior who mistook internet Viagra for arthritis meds, and the jokes themselves are even older - see the suck the cork out of a wine bottle gag.

Somewhere there might actually have been an idea in the campaign but it seems to have been buried in mass of mediocrity.

The question is, will crap become viral just because it is that crap?

Or will we let this die in peace and not cause any more embarrassment to the people involved?

But wait! There's more! Enjoy "the airport", "seasons greetings", and "rage".

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Andreas-Udd's picture

Mindblowingly bad. I want that minute back.