A.C.O Acnelösning - Jörn Donner / Problem med finnar (1985) (Sweden)

Jörn Donner was a Finnish born writer, film director, actor, producer, politician, and founder of Finnish Film Archive. He worked for long periods of time in Sweden, and in this ad his Finnish heritage is part of the joke here.

He declares dryly, "I have heard that Swedish youth have problems with acne" - but the word acne and "Finns" as in Finnish are the same. He then suggests we all use A.C.O. acnelösning from the pharmacy, because it helps, "but not against all kinds of Finns/acne".

Even if you didn't know who he was his Finland-Swedish language announces that he's Finnish, and as I recall people would laugh at his delivery of the pun when this ran in the cinema.

"Jag har hört att svenska ungdomar har problem med finnar..."

Principal talent: Jörn Donner

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