The 2004 London International Awards received 14,716 entries from 75 countries this year.
Scholz & Friends, Berlin was the winner of the 2004 Grand Prize - Print for its Noise Protection Windows by Weru - "Gardener", "Policeman", "Worker" series, as well as a Category winner. Happy Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg was the 2004 Grand Prize Winner - Design for Wood on Wood, as well as a Category winner.
The Grand Prize in Television/Cinema was awarded to Gorgeous Enterprises, London for PlayStation 2 - "Mountain,"(view it here if you're a superAdGrunt) which also won in two Categories. London's Pearlfisher International Design won the Grand Prize - Package Design for 37 Degrees line of children's clothing.
See all the winners, credits and images at the LIAA Awards site.