160 girls project.

Today is International Day of the Girl. To honor this, BBDO Toronto created 160 girls Project to honor 160 Kenyan girls, victims of rape) who fought back against society and the courts in Kenya to get justice. Now the Kenyan police have been ordered to investigate crimes of rape against girls or face imprisonment. Considering a child is raped in Kenya every 30 minutes, this judgment (which was handed down back in May ) is nothing short of a landmark.

This is a simple powerful message. The headline initially read "Justice is nowhere for child rape victims." With a simple pink slash (painted by the Senator of the Meru no less) it was transformer into "Justice is Now Here for child rape victims."

This story shows you don't have to stay a victim. Back in September some of the girls ran part of the Kenyan marathon-- a marathon for girls' human rights.
The initiativ was done in partnership with Ripples International and The Equality Effect. And that is good. From what I am reading though, the situation is far from over.

I like this a lot. But to be honest it feels like a missed opportunity. The only thing they're asking me to do is tweet it or share it on Facebook. The sponsors are listed right on the board but there's no direct call to action to donate or get involved in a meaningful way?

Client: EqualityEffect
Agency: BBDO
Creative Directors: Peter Ignazi, Carlos Moreno
Art Director: Alice Blastorah
Writer: Shiran Teitelbaum
Designer: Mike Nugent
Digital Art Director: Danny Bang
VP, Account Director: Rebecca Flaman

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