1 in 7 will see the face of addiction

Facing addiction in a non-profit dedicated to finding solutions to the addiction crisis. In order to create awareness, they partnered with some very well known celebrities to swap out their selfie for this post that is black with just text. It makes a striking contrast to the usual over-filtered mess Instagram has become. The messaging in the short video asks you to look closer until presumably you are seeing your own reflection. These celebrities include Joe Walsh Demi Lovato , comedian Gary Owen, Danny Trejo comedian Jesse Joyce and actress, model and beauty queen Tara Connor. I include all of their instas, because it's important to note these aren't just celebrities swapping out their image for a good cause. All of them are either recovering addicts, or were close to people who were.

If you want to know more, or if you think you might need help or know someone who needs help, go to Facing Addiction to learn more.

Agency: DDB New York
Client: Facing Addiction

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