Zulu Alpha Kilo - "World’s Worst RFP" (2016) (Canada)

Zulu Alpha Kilo, a Canadian agency, has released a new film that satirizes the request for proposal system, following up on their 2015 film that mocked the speculative working process prevalent in advertising. The movie begins with a scene reminiscent of post-game press conferences in professional sports. The client and the winning and losing agency are seated together, facing a crowd of reporters who are eager to ask them questions.

“Today was the final of the biggest pitch of the year. Six grueling months, 25 shops, and four rounds of spec creative later, only two competitors were left standing.”

The agencies in the clip say things like:
“The client was on her phone the whole time,”
“We cave twice as fast as the competition, we do sub-par creative, we kiss a lot of ass”
“We fumbled the clicker hand-off during the PowerPoint.”

Zulu founder, chief creative officer and the director of the film, Zak Mroueh muses; “Hopefully World’s Worst RFP and smarterpitch.com will start a dialogue just like Say No to Spec did (last year).”

See the website: http://smarterpitch.com/

Ad agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo

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