Yuengling "Around a Yuengling" (2018) :30 (USA)

Yuengling is America's oldest brewery and good beer to boot. It has a cult fan base around the northeast and people seek out bars outside of that area of America that are lucky enough to serve it. There's a lot they could have done for this campaign. What they did was explain the difference between a beer and a lager, and set it to a Black Keyes sound alike song and some generic good-times footage with predictable results. In other words, the campaign is not worthy of the beer. Also check out "The edge" and Around a Yuengling

Client - D.G Yuengling & Son, Inc. Director of Marketing – Tyler Simpson Creative Agency - Laughlin Constable Chief Executive Officer – Mat Lignel Chief Creative Officer – Dan Fietsam Creative Director – Jon Laughlin Creative Director – Grant Simpson Executive Producer – Phil Smith Art Director – Chris DeYoung Art Director – Allie Geise Copywriter – Miki Turner Copywriter – Matt Portman Account Director – Kate Raasch Senior Account Manager – Jonathan Cleveland Chief Strategy Officer – Mark Carlson SVP, Strategic Planning – Katy Gajewicz Production Company – Fancy Content Director – Jason Zada Editorial Company – HIVE

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Tommiecoleman's picture

Where can i find the whole song to around a yuengling i love hearing the song in the commerical

Tommie coleman's picture

I love the song around a yuengling i need this song how can i ge it please send it to my email tommiecoleman2017@gmail.com if you can