WWF for Nature, Russia has teamed up Hungry Boys to create an app that pits man against tiger-- in running. Add Run 4 Tiger on your favorite running app of choice, and you can go head-to-head with a GPS-monitored Amur Tiger, of which there aren't that many left.
Oh and if you can't beat the tiger, you'll have to donate 5 bucks to the WWF campaign. But wait a second-- Tigers can run 40MPH or 65KMH. That means there no way you could...Oh. Right. Gotcha. Nice one, WWF.
Agency: Hungry Boys, Moscow
Client: WWF Russia
Creative Director: Vlad Sitnikov
Creator: Ksenia Apresyan
Producer: Victor Kozlov
Motion Designer: Sergey Yumakov
PR Manager: Alena Timchenko
This is the kind of work that gets made to win awards rather than achieve any meaningful business objective. And there's a fact you can't run away from.
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PermalinkWouldn't it be easier to save the tiger by not churning its bones up into Chinese medicine?
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