"Work from home" Propaganda posters

Graeme Noseworthy has been creating updated propaganda posters for us in the trenches who now working from home - with all the kidlets interrupting us and forgetting to unmute while on Zoom.

Okay, fair enough, this current situation is not the second nor first world war, but the juxtaposition is rather amusing. My personal favourite is "someone talked - but he was still on mute", which sent me. 

Our answer - AGILE work from home
Our answer - AGILE work from home
"You are in quarantine"
"Loose lips, interrupt their parents while they WFH"
"Loose lips, interrupt their parents while they WFH"
"We can do it using slack threads!"
I want YOU to go on mute
"Someone talked - but they're still on mute"
Let's finish the job, update your cards on Trello today"
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