Will Twitter start charging brands who tweet? What about the ad agencies who tweet?

Interesting news today regarding twitter - both Brandweek and Techcrunch are reporting that Twitter might start charging brands for "pro" twitter accounts. How will this pan out now that everyone has a personal brand these days? Do I have a brand on twitter? I go on little theme-tweets travels like share Art Director wisdom and spend a whole day telling light bulb ad agency jokes, but really I'm just being my nutty old self a.k.a Dabitch®. ;) Is wilw a brand since he is actor famous and funny, much like Stephenfry whose fame comes from being funny in the first place - even though they are, like everyone else, just tweeting what they happen to be doing or thinking any day. What about tweeting companies? There are major brands on twitter handing us headlines like CNN and BBC, but small startups are sharing their passion for teas or energy drinks or whatever they do as well. This brings me to ad agencies.

I, as in dabitch on twitter and adland on twitter went on the hunt last night to try and find new ad agencies to follow, turns out that there's loads of ad agencies on twitter now.

Cliffbot is Tom Christmann the ECD from Cliff Freeman and Partners. adamkleinberg the the CEO of hot shop Traction twitters. I'm not sure if Dave Trott is the same Dave Trott who taught some Miami Ad school ad pups that they are a brand though since that account seems quite dead.

The agency who just let 23 people go yesterday Modernista! is on twitter - wonder if they DM:ed the pink slips. In fact, agencies from all over the US are on twitter like SteinRogan+Partners, New York, KGBAdvertising Cincinnati, OH, kelseyads LaGrange, GA, agencypja Cambridge, MA, fusionadv, Dallas, TX and RL_agency from Chicago. Heck, even the ad club of Kansas City tweets under the name adclubofkc and the student run agency cgadvertising from Iowa State University.
Europe represents as well, deliriumad from Barcelona, Saatchicannes from Brussels, while Greyemea represents everywhere in the world.
Alphabet-soup bigwigs are on twitter for example ClemengerBBDO, BBDO, and TBWALONDON.

Oddness abound with these though, TBWA is a no-follow-nobody zone, while HHCC, Arnoldworldwide and HillHoliday have been squatted by someone looking to "sell the names".

So will all or any of these accounts fall under the possible "pro account" rule in the future? Feel free to add any agencies that I missed in the comments, I want to find more - there's plenty of post production companies as well, not to mention PR people but if I list them all in this post I'll never finish. ;) Who are you on twitter?

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Dabitch's picture

Oh, I forgot Ogilvy! So sorry peeps.

Dabitch's picture

*slaps forehead* Silly me! I'm also following thefounder which is of course, Tribbleagency.

Any others?