Who said government clients were boring? Farm Advertising & th1ng rock out for the COI

Looking at this - I can imagine how stuffy the brief must have read: "A £6 million government advertising campaign launched by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). The campaign aims to encourage young people to study foreign languages to open up future opportunities in their people’s professional and personal lives." Oh snore!

However when Farm Advertising got their hands on it and rang up th1ng for a little directing help, magic was made.

"Reach 11-14 years olds? Be hip? Sure, we can do that." Just feature real street dancers, footballers, indie stars and add a dash of creativity from young talent to the mix! Of course there's also a website: https://www.trylifeinanotherlanguage.com/

Three of the commercials were by new directors at th1ng, including ‘Dancer’ by Dan Lumb, Disiz by Angry Natives and Neon City by Anne Xiao. Daniel Cohen directed ‘Football’ and ‘Shadows.’

Dominic Buttimore, th1ng’s executive producer said: “The commercials were directed by th1ng’s new breed of directors who have shown promising talent and very impressive capability. The whole series has been very well received and the feedback is very encouraging”.

‘Neon City’ features German Indie band Fotos
Neon city, directed by Annie Xiao.

‘Disiz’ features the eponymous-named Parisian streetwise hip-hop artist
Disiz, directed by Max Oginni, Ewen Stenhouse

‘Shadows’ features the Spanish singer Nubla
Shadow Girl, directed by Daniel Cohen

‘Football’ features young Real Madrid academy stars.
Football, directed by Daniel Cohen

‘Dancer’ features street dancer Clara
Dancer, directed by Daniel Lumb

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