WestJet introduces Kargo Kids - so you can fly kid-free.

Via work that matters we find that WestJet flights now offer a kid-section, called Kargo Kids.

"As Canada's low-cost airline, we are constantly looking for innovative and fun ways to enhance the guest experience," continued Richard Bartrem. "The initial feedback on Kargo Kids has been quite positive and we're looking forward to the peace and quiet while we get families where they need to be"

.... and, my deadpan delivery-poker-face is off. I have trouble wearing for more than 30 seconds anyway, so here's something I immediately thought of when I saw this: "Yo guys, you are so Badlanded Ryanair did that last years April Fools". Granted, they didn't make a video, but they score deadpan points since people were still falling for that super-dry release a week later.
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