We save lives "Reflections from inside" (2016) 3:15 (USA)

Kris Caudilla was convicted for DUI Manslaughter and is spending fifteen years in jail for it. Throughout the interview you get the sense he has been living with that guilt for a while. To create awareness about drunk driving, Y&R Bravo Miami and We Save Lives installed a camera in a club's bathroom mirror so Caudilla could talk to the bros in the bar, share his story, and scare them straight, so to speak. You can tell by some of the guys' reactions they are definitely half in the bag, so they must have been freaked at first.

This is a fantastic idea. I hope they'll find a woman inmate who will also do the same for the drunk ladies in the bar. I know statistically men are more apt to drive drunk but it's a message worth repeating and I also think it's a stunt worth repeating, too.

Client: We Save Lives
Campaign: Reflections from Inside
Agency: Bravo Miami
Chief Creative Officer: Claudio Lima
Creative Director: Federico Hauri
Copywriter: Jason Deja
Art Director: Andres Schiling
Production: Parana Films
Post Production: VaporPost
Music: Mokoh Music

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Dabitch's picture

YES YES YES Please have this done in women's bathrooms too. This is a fantastic stunt. TREMENDOUS!

bruno kanyinda's picture

Why not a French version of this message? Some guys need it in French, I think.

kidsleepy's picture

Agreed. Seeing as how this was made in America though, French wouldn't be as common a language as say, Spanish.

Dabitch's picture

Lets just do it all over the planet. This idea is frankly, that good.

The length of punishment for vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated isn't that long in every country though.