Vs. Mag "Aspirational, featuring Kirsten Dunst" (2014) 2:36 (USA)

Kirsten Dunst meets Fans. Or at least what passes for fans these days. Mobile appendage at the ready, lack of communication skills. Or tact. Where being internet famous is more important than being famous for having done something.
To that end, I would like to think the two girls in this spot were carpooling to an ad agency where they're both junior social media strategists who will become a senior creative team when a the world's first socially crowd-sourced digital pop-up shop hires them in January.
You never know.

Client: Vs. Magazine
Starring Kirsten Dunst

Director: Matthew Frost
Production Company: Iconoclast
Exec. Producers: Charles-Marie Anthonioz & Kathleen Heffernan
Editor: Ethan Mitchell
DOP: Chris Blauvelt
Colorist: Tom Poole
Sound: Reuben Gasca
Sound Mix: Rob DiFondi
Title Design: Lizzie Nanut
Music: Ryland Blackinton & Dan Keyes
Stylist: Hayley Atkin & Skye Stewart-short
Make Up: Patti Dubroff & Tsipporah Liebman
Post Production: Whitehouse Post & The Mill LA

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