Vodafone - "Let it Go" - (2014) :60 (UK)

Hoping to score a hit in the UK Christmas advertising season, Vodaphone has everyone singing along to "Let It Go". TRIGGER WARNING there are people singing along to "Let it go" in this ad, all small-kid parents should AVOID watching this ad and pray it never comes on telly when your little princess is watching because you know you'll be spending the Holidays watching "Frozen" on repeat just like last year oh dear god someone please help us please. Nurses, airport workers, people in cars and everyone else all join in making christmas happen wherever they are.

Also, I hear thousands of scripts being torn up all across the planet right now, as "Let it go" was the base-part of the idea. It's probably for the best.

Oh, there's a twitter hashtag with this (of course there is) and it's #PowerToTheFestive - which reminds me of something Clayton said yesterday: #finallyauseforyourpostioningstatement.

Agency: Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe / Y&R
Client: Vodafone UK
Exec Creative Director: Mick Mahoney
Art Director: Richard Barrett
Copywriter: James Manning
Director: Pete Riski
Prod. Co.: Rattling Stick

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One more 'trigger warning', I'm officially boycotting Adland. EVEN IN JEST. I might be overreacting but I just can't let it go, let it gooooo... don't use those words anymore, let it go, let it gooooo, this advert will drive me out the door.