Two recent campaigns with toe-tags in Sweden - where by the way, there is no "toe-tag" system.....
First up, headlined The hangover can last a lifetime if you drink and drive this toe-tag visual draws attention. It ran in 2002, it's not the most original visual idea in the book, we've probably seen it before, but like I said, there are no toetags in Swedish morgues (we have wrist bands) so it does stick out. This ad was created by Lennandia
Soon afterards, this ad ran for KvinnoJouren - headlined Cold Facts it asks for donations for the battered womens helpline as without money they can't help the women who still need help. Again, a foreign looking toe-tag, this ad was created by Caramel Communication in Gothenburg.
Visual brainsync - do you know of any more toe-tag ads? Post them in the comments!