University of Arizona - Bear Down / Lather, Rinse, (Don't) Repeat: Institutional Advertising

Last Frame To Bear Down

Every Fall brings a new cycle of institutional spots, showcasing schools outside the football field. But every cycle often brings the same format: highlights of alumni and lists of awards and achievements.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

But with the University of Arizona's national spot this Fall came a new direction.

Created by Nickolas Duarte (@DirectorDuarte) and his independent production company Crown Chimp, “Bear Down” takes an artist approach toward institutional advertising. Inspired by the legend of a former quarterback’s dying last words, the spot's visual style and poetic tone take the heart of the legend and present it in a contemporary manner.

There's a soul, a truth and hopefulness that is a poetic homage to those facing struggle who also share the belief and heart to overcome. A reach for greater heights is embedded in the story and the university. And it is achieved in this broadcast spot - a style hopefully to be repeated in future cycles.

production: Crown Chimp
Director: Nickolas Duarte

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