UGG "Winter 2015 with Jack Guinness" :15 (USA)

Who knew that night life lovin' DJ extraordinaire Jack Guinness was in to nature? And UGGs?

Client UGG
Agency: House Design

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David Felton's picture

Never heard of the guy.

The problem with these celebrity endorsements is that the audience isn't stupid. They correctly surmise the celebrity has been paid off, and they're right. Furthermore, in these types of adverts the audience tends to remember the celebrity and forget the product.

Ogilvy wrote those exact words over 30 years ago and nothing has changed since then. Or has it?

Dabitch's picture

He's a model and "bearded scenester", represented by Next. He instagrams here and blogs for Tatler about being English in New York.

David Felton's picture

I wish I was a model. Being that good looking must be like playing life on 'Very Easy' mode.