A Twisted Ploy for Ratings?

Viacom-owned US TV network CBS is broadcasting footage, filmed by two French brothers, of the horrific scenes of the terrorist attacks on September 11, as witnessed by New York firefighters. The two French brothers had been allowed to follow and film a firefighter in his first six months on the job at a fire station near the World Trade Centre.

The program has fierce opposition from some victims' groups and fire fighters who think the timing of the broadcast, airing on Sunday, the day before the six-month anniversary of the tragedy, is insensitive.

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CBS has defends its decision, saying it is newsworthy and historically important. The network has also gone to great lengths to show it is not profiting from the broadcast, with only public service announcements and no paid-for ads being shown during the breaks.

The brothers who filmed the documentary are said to be donating any proceeds from documentary to the Uniformed Firefighters' Association scholarship fund.


One has to wonder, with CBS's ratings slump, if this is really nothing more than a ratings stunt.

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