Tru Blood / - French Style - (2008) :45 (USA)

Directing duo Goetz Brothers of bicoastal/international Crossroads helm two :45 satirical spots for a fictional beverage brand ( teasing HBO’s new vampire series, Tru Blood from the creator of Six Feet Under.

In French Style, a stunning damsel and her vampire seducer are interrupted by her lover, leaving the vampire parched. As the spot nears its climax, the vampire utters, "Oh mon dieu" before dramatically refreshing his thirst with Tru Blood. Which blood type will refresh your inner vampire?.

Client: HBO
Spot Title(s): American Style Beer Commercial, French Style Commercial
Air Date: June 2008

Prod Company: Crossroads
Directors: Goetz Brothers
EP(s): Cami Taylor, Carole Hughes

Editorial: 89 Edit
Editor: Michael Coletta
EP: Bob Cagliero

Shoot Location: Los Angeles, CA

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I like her dialogue. ;))