Toyota SPX ad directed by Olivier "Twist" Gondry

Los Angeles visual effects and design company A52 played weather gods and changed the skies from sunny to snowy seamlessly for Partizan director Olivier "Twist" Gondry, ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles and Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.

Toyota Tundra - "throw it in the tundra"

"This spot is deceptive. It looks simple, but was actually quite complex and the magic is always making complexity look effortless. A52 and Twist worked, both on location and in post, to create the various intense weather conditions that show the Tundra’s durability season after season. And they did a great job. Attention to detail is what sets a spot like this apart and A52 and Twist nailed it."

said Kevin Murphy, Saatchi & Saatchi's project creative director and art director.
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