Tesco Christmas - "Become more Christmas" (2023) 2:30 (UK)

The advertisement will launch during the premiere of I’m A Celebrity on ITV on Sunday night (19 November).

The spot starts with an enthusiastic father driving his son to Tesco for their weekly shopping. In an attempt to bring some festive cheer, the father encourages his son to try some of Tesco’s finest triple chocolate star-shaped panettone. The father immediately transforms into a Christmas tree as a result of consuming the delicious treat, for some people Christmas is not a single day, but every day working it's way up to Christmas eve.

The story is set to the tune of OMC’s 90s hit song ‘How Bizarre.’ It revolves around a young boy who is not interested in the festivities. Like, at all. He even actively tries to ignore it, and even pulls a sleeve down over his own Christmas three outgrowth on his arm. But his father, on the other hand, is a big fan of Christmas and enjoys all the holiday moments and festivities with gusto.

There is a really good sound edit in a scene, where Dad switches the car stereo from ‘How Bizarre’ to ‘Jingle Bells,’ but mister teenage angst is not having it. Despite his family, neighbors, and strangers turning into festive snowwomen, reindeer, and gingerbread people before his eyes, he remains uninterested. We see him wallowing in his teenage angst until, finally, as the big day draws closer, his father hands him a paper star from his childhood. This touching moment is the straw that breaks the camel's back, it wears the kid down and marks the beginning of the boy's excitement for Christmas - so now he too transforms into a sparkly Christmas tree. Just like his dad.

Ad Agency: BBH

Creatives: Elliott White and Will Maxey

Directors: Marco Lafer and Gustavo Moraes

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