Tasteless water now available at Piggly Wiggly

Remember those highway posters promoting "Outhouse springs water"? They were made by Cognetix advertising agency, and actually promoted the use of billboard media to advertisers. The Charleston Regional Business Journal reports that the formely hypothetical product has been made real and will be on the shelves of Piggly Wiggly as of July 14.

“When we first started talking about this, we all thought that it could turn into something bigger than we’d ever imagined,” says Kane. “We never had a plan B. We only had a plan A and we decided to let the market tell us what the next step was. So when we got these incredible awareness numbers back, we thought it would be a real shame just to let this go.”

Together with Joe Applegate, general sales manager for Adams Outdoor Advertising South Carolina, Kane and Taylor approached Piggly Wiggly with the idea of selling the product on their shelves and donating 50 cents of every six-pack to Save the Light, a local charity dedicated to preserving the Morris Island Lighthouse.

“It was so natural,” says Kane. “Piggly Wiggly is a fun company and they do a lot to support the community. If you’re going to buy water, why not buy water that is going to save a local monument?”

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