Tall Tales - Intel on Mt. Everest

Intel has been hyping their new and revolutionary wireless Centrino technology (never mind Apple's Airport) in a mondo advertising campaign over the last few months, including a commercial that says that it even works on Mt. Everest. Well, they've received over 90 complaints in the UK alone over the boast, and the climbers at MountEverest.net have a few things to say about the claim as well.

"One must remember that the people doing this ad probably had as much an understanding of Everest as the Pope would a condom."

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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CopyWhore's picture

Oh Dear! Does it really matter if Centrino works on Mt. Everest?! C'mon. No one in their right mind would be sending email from up there, anyway! The ad makes the point that the service works at long distances. Enough said. Why is everyone so bloody literal about everything?

Dabitch's picture

*laffs so hard she falls off the chair*

Oh man, when are they ever going to learn... Outrageous claims must be TRUE. duh.

James Trickery's picture

Can we nominate the 'pope-would-a-condom' soundbyte best of the year?

caffeinegoddess's picture

hahahah I think we should!