
Dearly Beloved - "Close Encounters" (2019) music video (South Africa)

A young man watches his crush on the school bus.

Bench/ "So In Love / How long can you keep a secret? (2018) :60 (The Philippines)

"How long can you keep a secret?" asks this Filipino ad that tells the short of story of young love and scents.

Kleenex - Fall In Love (2001) - 0:15 (USA)

Hallmark Cards - Dance Card (1991) 2:00 (USA)

A group of young boys in the school library are asking each other who they will ask to the dance, and how.

Pepsi - Fred Savage - Love Letter (1990) :60 (USA)

Inspired by his Pepsi, this young man pens a love letter to Jenny that would make any young girl swoon.
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