Suzuki Films - The Briefcase

For all you adgrunts who miss BMW Films, don't fret. Now you can watch Suzuki Films (no Madonna or Guy Ritchie though).

"The briefcase"

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

OMG the trailer is super cheese fromageux! Like stilton or gouda left in a gym sock for 3 or 4 months! Yum!

It's exactly like BMW films! Well, except for the shitty actors, bad storyline and dorky everyday cars.

taO's picture

Bravo Bravo :D

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Do you have nothing better to do

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

What a loser you are to take the time out we made a lot of money you must be broke

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You must have nothing better to do than make a comment about Suzuki film. It’s called making money. You broke troll

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You must have nothing better to do than make a comment about Suzuki film. It’s called making money. You broke troll

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

The ad production company called "Suzuki Films" doesn't even exist anymore wtf are you on about.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Just saying it was a great movie, commercial. The actors made great amount of money. The fact that you have time to respond is pathetic.