Superfad wants you to Know Your POTUS

"Because only you can make Presidential history."

Production house Superfad has created a series of webisodes to walk us through little known (or well known if you have any knowledge of American Presidential history) facts about Presidential elections from days of yore. Like the fact that William Henry Harrison gave the longest Presidential inauguration speech in history only to have the shortest presidency, dying of pneumonia just a month later.

These films drive you to the microsite Know Your Potus where you can see the other six videos plus the finale. Only six videos? Slackers I keed!
Whilst on the site, you can also jump to other microsites, learn some more stuff and otherwise pretend you are more informed than those frothy mouthed Fox analysts or Infotainted pundits on Comedy Central.

As a self-promo piece it's quite nice. All stop-motioney and simple and clean and well-executed and it actually adds some much-needed fun to this otherwise angry feisty divisive election.

Nice one, guys! Can you hook me up with an Andrew jackson doll? I kinda want one.
His hair is all tufty.

Production Company: Superfad
Director: Richard Hickey
DP: Bryan Cox, John Shirley, Andrew Soria
Animator: Andrew Soria, Bryan Cox
VFX Supervisor: John Shirley, Bryan Cox

Managing Director: Kevin Batten
Executive Producer: Darren Jaffe
Line Producer: Nate Occhipinti

Copywriter: Niko Courtelis
Storyboard Artist: Jackie Harper

Character Development: Andrew Soria
Character Wardrobe: Lisa Occhipinti
Character Hair / Makeup: Samantha Seora
Set Build: Bryan Cox

Stage Design: Yuki Yamada, Greg Oppman, Grant Hoki, Sarah Casillas
Development: Andrew Stubs, Pierce Gibson, Angela Ko, Rick Kuan

Post Production: Superfad

Director: Richard Hickey
Designers: Yuki Yamada, Grant Hoki
CG Lead/Technical Director:
3D Previz: Bryan Cox, Greg Oppman
2D Animation: Yuki Yamada, Grant Hoki

Flame Artist: John Shirley, Miles Kinghorn
Compositor: David Do, Brian Abero
Executive Producer: Darren Jaffe
Producer: Nate Occhipinti

Editorial: Superfad

Editor: Talia Mazzarella, Chris Hall, Eric Barnes

Assistant Editor: Tim Hall
Producer: Nate Occhipinti

Audio: John Buroker

Original Music: John Buroker - rendition "Hail to the Chief"

Voice Over: Dave White

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