Subway - Powerless - (2008) :30 (USA)

Editor Micah Scarpelli of Version2 and director Tony Petrossian of Rockhard bring us this humorous campaign for Subway via MMB.

Client: Subway
Spot Title: Fence, Powerless
Air Date: August 08

Agency: MMB
CD(s): Jamie Mambro, Jerry Cronin, Fred Bertino
Copywriter: George Goetz
Art Director: Chris Poulin
Producer(s): Sara Ventetuolo, Mike Michaud

Prod Company: Rockhard Films
Director: Tony Petrossian

Editorial: Version2
Editor: Micah Scarpelli
Head of Production: Frank Devlin

Post/Effects: Hi-Ground
CD/Partner: Duy Nguyen
EP: David Hofflich

Audio Post/Sound Design: Burning Bridge
Mixer/Sound Designer: Rick Sweetser

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