Special K - #Ownit / We eat / Women eat (2017) :20 (USA)

Women eat! This tremendous revelation is the new backbone of Special K marketing strategy in the United States, in order to distance itself from the "Kellog's pinch an inch" past as a slim breakfast. The campaign follows in the footsteps of this Canadian 2015 campaign This is a variant edit, see full article here Spacial K / Women eat / #Ownit where the VO changes thing up to "we eat every damn day." If the nursing and baby making of the other ad won't grab people's attention, it's entirely possible the swearing in this one will.

Client: Kellogg's

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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toribio's picture

Most foolish advertising I've seen in quite a while, and I'm a woman. Why the snark? Why the attitude? Oooo....take that Society. Oooo...take that all of you Men....see, we EAT. Like a twelve year old. Kellogg's is still marketing diet food [110Kcal/per 1C serving]. If you really "own it" you don't cave to reduced calorie foods - you eat scrambled eggs, with damn good cheese. Try a nice, ripe aged truffle brie.

ay's picture

I like the new "we eat" commercial for Special K because it is opposite of the "be thin" ads we usually see. It says it's good to eat!

Kate 's picture

I like this commercial, too! I hate getting looks of shock and surprise when guys see that I have an appetite! Wow! Big surprise! The most obnoxious element of this is that if I started gaining weigt, then I'd hear about how I've "let myself go." Ugh! It's funny, I NEVER say anything to anyone else about what they eat!

Joni T's picture

I like this commercial too! I really, really like it. It's damned honest and it's about time! For women who don't, hmm, bet you have no kids and can't even relate to needing to eat because you're breast feeding, or chasing kids. Whatever the reason, no need to be rude.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Hmm, I don't have kids, but I think I can relate to having to eat... I kinda need to do it every day.

Alka's picture

I like the new "we eat" business for Special K since it is inverse of the "be thin" promotions we typically observe. It says it's great to eat! http://www.gurgaonfairy.com/