Sony's Foam City Commercial To Be Unleashed Today (Updated)

Sometime later today, after a month of unprecedented buzz, 80,000 feet of film, 460 million liters of foam, a crew of 150 and three years of growing expectations thanks to the Bravia campaign, Fallon London, director Simon Ratigan and Sony will unveil the finished Foam City commercial for its digital imaging products -- the Handycam, Cyber-shot and alpha.

On March 9th, I was told that I "was going to see some amazing things."

Later today, if all goes as planned, so will you.

Have they created yet another experience like no other?

What music did they use?

Is it, dare I say, foamtastic?

Be sure to check back here later today to find out.

Sony - Foam City (Quicktime) now here
UPDATE: The Sony UK Foam City Microsite is now live.

UPDATE 2: The musical score was custom-composed for this commercial by Warren Ellis, a fellow that some of you might recognize from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Grinderman and Dirty Three. They handed him the spot and asked him to see what happens.

Extra - The Clay review:

I was privy to a sneak viewing of the Sony Foam City commercial on Sunday thanks to the fine folks I met in Miami back in March.

So what did I think of it, I pretend to hear you asking?

I will say that there's quite a bit of genuine ethereal beauty to what they've done here - They've captured some good stuff. I will also say that I'm reluctant to group it in with the previous three Bravia adverts because it has such a different feel. Most noticeably, there are numerous product shots throughout the spot, but they are well-woven into the concept.

If you watch it thinking of it as the first spot in a new campaign for a different line of products, which it is, then I think you will be in the right frame of mind.

It left me smiling. And with more than a little bit of alpha envy.

My final word? Spumescent.

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