Sokos Hotels "Couple" (2015) :25 (Finland)

When you and your other half stay in a Sokos hotel, you are totally surrounded by summer and all the fun things you can do. Judging by the smile on the woman's face and how messed up her hair is when the spot opens, I think we know exactly what the couple is up to.

Client: Sokos Hotels
Agency: 358 Helsinki, Finland
AD: Ale Lauraéus
Copy: Antti Tähtinen
Agency Producer: Mari Romanoff
Account Manager: Veera Kivimäki
Graphic Designer: Isa Jokela-Gomez

Production Company: GrilliFilms
Director: Jäppi Savolainen
Producer: Hanna Mutanen

DOP: Mikael Gustafsson
Editor: Mikko Löppönen / Talvi Digital
Post production: Talvi Digital
Sound Design: Karo Broman / Silencio
Marketing Manager: Outi Vitie
Ulla Kivilaakso, Kuisma Aalto, Anni Vanamo-Sundsröm

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