So what does that seven patty Whopper for Windows 7 taste like?

Windows 7 7 patty Whopper

Remember the Windows 7's seven patty Whopper: a heart stopping combination?
Well, CheapyD from put his health on the line and decided to order one. He says "It tastes like a Whopper.. that has a cow attached to it" ? *shudder* CheapyD didn't eat his giant Whopper on camera, but he did get his friend Kevin to do it. Kevin quipped "I'm just glad it wasn't Windows 95"

src="">Windows 7's seven patty Whopper: a heart stopping combination?
Well, CheapyD from put his health on the line and decided to order one. He says "It tastes like a Whopper.. that has a cow attached to it" ? *shudder* CheapyD didn't eat his giant Whopper on camera, but he did get his friend Kevin to do it. Kevin quipped "I'm just glad it wasn't Windows 95"

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