Slogans: The best a brand can get.

We advise anyone interested in sloganeering to check out todays Financial Times where Timothy Foster (the SloganMaven) writes about the subject closest to his heart.

"As companies become more global, their slogans need to work everywhere. McDonald's UK has used a variety of slogans over the past decade, including "Nothing can do it like McDonald's"and "Only McDonald's". In the US during the same period it used "You deserve a break today", "Did somebody say McDonald's?" and "We love to see you smile". Now comes a global line - "I'm lovin' it" - running in Europe initially and then in the US."

Most global brands run advertisements in local languages, but use one tagline, in English, everywhere. Guinness is an exception, with local slogans for each market, because Guinness means different things in different markets. It's "Got to be Guinness" in Singapore, "Now enjoy Guinness anywhere" in Australia, while the UK's slogan is simply "Believe". Back home, where Guinness is an inseparable part of Irish culture, it uses "The most natural thing in the world".
-- Timothy Foster
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Dabitch's picture

He nails it with the "not invented here" syndrome - good agencies should learn not to make the mistake of throwing away a famous slogan.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice article! :)