From selling trash to selling everything

Want a piece of the NYC landscape? An Art Director living in New York packages and sells trash, artfully arranged in plastic cubes. Apparently his love for trash blossomed while attending the School for Visual Arts in New York. Makes one wonder what the people who purchase these "works of art" actually do with them.

Copywriter Brian Thompson might not be selling trash, but he is selling his life. Everything he owns is up for sale on eBay, with new items added weekly.

From my portfolio to my toothpaste, everything must go.

He hopes "it will be an entertaining exploration of the consumer culture we help shape."

I just hope he doesn't start selling his kidneys or anything! Although it would be interesting if someone else gets a job using his portfolio.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

hehehe, the Art Director selling trash is proving that great packaging really can sell anything... ;)

Ooooh, and the CW selling his life has an old boardgame adverteasing on sale.

troymcclure's picture

This copywriter, is he selling his soul as well? Oh, wait. I forgot. He's in advertising. He sold his soul a long time ago. All hail Satan - and Lee Clow!

caffeinegoddess's picture

*mwahahahaha!* Too funny!

Dabitch's picture

for sale: soul, slightly used.