Science World - Belly Button on Fire / Beach Time - (2011) :30

Belly button lint makes great kindling.

"Working with Science World is a great opportunity creatively", says Nicolas Quintal, Creative Director, Rethink, Vancouver. "As we are communicating to parents with kids we are able to have fun with the message and bring to life a lot of fun facts."

Ever wonder where they come up with all these facts? The team at Rethink finds most of them online and then submits them to Science World to weed out the urban myths from the truths. Some little known knowledge from past ads in the campaign include:
Your body contains enough carbon to fill 9,000 pencils.
Most lipstick contains fish scales.
Tigers will use a litter box.
A sneeze can travel 12 feet and hover for three hours.

"Beach Time" was shot at the Scarborough Bluffs, Toronto and was edited by Melanie Hider at Bijou, the online visual effects were done by Sean Cochrane at The Vanity, and the on set visual effects were created by Jeff Skochko at JMS SPFX Ltd.

The most challenging part of the project was getting the smoke and fire just right. "Scale was the first issue," says Wayne Craig, Director, Holiday Films. "We couldn't just create conventional smoke and fire and then just scale it down as the results would have been a very obvious gag as opposed to something that looked legitimate. Working with Sean Cochrane at The Vanity, we used a smaller fire and smoke source and then tried various substances until we were satisfied with the colour and density of both smoke and fire. Once we knew how to get the results we wanted, we shot the elements in studio and then added various wind effects to help tie the smoke and fire visually to the environment of the live footage with the actor."

Client: Science World
Title: “Beach Time”

Creative Agency: Rethink, Vancouver
Creative Directors: Chris Staples, Ian Grais
Art Director: Nicolas Quintal
Writer: Stephanie Bialik
Agency Producer: Laura Rioux
Account Director: Carrie Panio

Production Company: Holiday Films, Toronto
Director: Wayne Craig
Executive Producers: Josefina Nadurata, Derek Sewell
Line Producer: Amalie Bruun
Director of Photography: Steve Danyluk

Editorial: Bijou, Toronto
Editor: Melanie Hider
Online Visual Effects: Sean Cochrane, The Vanity
On Set Visual Effects: Jeff Skochko, JMS SPFX Ltd.
Audio: Wave
Colourist: Eric Whipp, Alter Ego
Casting: Shasta Lutz, Jigsaw

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