Right to Play Takes a Stand on Child Oppression in ‘We Rise’

Non-for-profit organization Right to Play has launched a new awareness campaign aimed at helping one of the world’s most oppressed groups rise above the injustices they are subjected to daily.

Created by BBDO Toronto, the “We Rise” campaign envisions a better world for the hundreds of millions of children being robbed of their childhood by inhumane practices including child labour, child marriage and being forced to become child soldiers.

The campaign aims to give these oppressed children their own movement by shining a light upon the horrific circumstances these children face every day.  From inhumane factory environments to child trafficking – many of their futures are severely limited by violence, exploitation and inequality.  Through play-based learning, Right to Play empowers children to rise above these challenges and find their way back to hope.

“While this organization is not on the front lines providing food and medicine to keep people alive,” said BBDOs Chief Creative Officer, Denise Rossetto, “their sole purpose is to empower these children, ultimately giving them a reason to live.”

First ad below: "We Rise"

The campaign includes three films and is anchored by a 90-second “Anthem” spot built around images of young children forced into cruel situations at the hands of adults. The images are accompanied by a voiceover, presented as slam poetry, which begins, “They think they can traffic us, abuse us, marry us and use us. They think that our futures are their own to shape, that they can determine our God-given fate.”

As the spot progresses, the children begin standing up and taking control of their destiny, while the voiceover states, “We’re not your cheap labour, we’re not your child brides, we’re not poor kids with some flies in our eyes. We won’t just stand by while the world lets us die. No! We rise.”

The second 60-second spot, “Games Over Guns,” focuses on the plight of approximately 300,000 child soldiers around the world.  And the third film, “Resignation Letter,” features a young girl describing the daily horrors of working in a clothing sweat shop as she walks to her boss’s office to deliver a resignation letter she has learned to craft by going to school.

All three spots conclude with the super “Every child should have the right to rise” and directs viewers to the Right to Play website where they can learn more and donate to the charity.

Founded in 1994 by former Olympic gold medalist Johann Olav Koss, Right to Play reaches 1.9 million children in 15 countries each week, through programs that promote protection, education and empowerment.

Campaign title: We Rise

Client: Right to Play

Agency:  BBDO Toronto

Chief Creative Officers: Denise Rossetto, Todd Mackie

VP, Group Account Director: Rebecca Flaman

VP, Brand Planner: Tom Kenny

Copywriter: Dominique Raso

Art Director: Anand Iyer

Account Director: Jaya Rizzi

Account Supervisor: Sagi Mamalider

Design: Mike Nugent

Broadcast Producer: Dena Thompson

Production Company: Skin & Bones

Director: Mark Zibert

Editorial: The Assembly

Editors: David James Findlay, Marka Rankovic 

Music, voice direction & sound design: Pirate Toronto

Colour & VFX: Alter Ego

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