REYKA - Sundial - (USA)

It's summer solstice time. And that's the time when the sun is out the longest and the time when Icelanders go all sun crazy and do all kinds of wild things to celebrate the sun.

And ny "all kinds of wild things," I mean downing a bottle of REYKA and then making a sun dial out of said bottle.


Chief Creative Officer: Steve Red
Executive Creative Director: Steve O’Connell
Creative Directors: Bryon Lomas, Amanda Abrams
Maker: Steve Thompson
Art Director: Ari Garber
Copywriter: Jonathan Goldstein
Social Strategy: Annie Heckenberger, Ryan Olah
Developers: Ryan Epp, Joe Russell
Account Executive(s): Jess O’Conor, Kristin Filipovits, Leah Fullem

Production Company: Red Tettemer + Partners

Editing House: Red Alert/RT+P

Sound Design: RT+P
Sound designer: Steve Thompson

Audio Mix: RT+P
Mixer: Vic Carreno

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