Rakuten - Not So Clueless / Alicia Silverstone (2023) :30 (USA)

Alicia Silverstone is back as her “Clueless” character Cher. She debates her arch-nemesis Amber, played by Elisa Donovan. “I used to be pretty clueless about shopping—like, when I heard I could save by getting cash back with Rakuten, I was like as if! Then I was like, why didn't I do this sooner?”

The high school classroom is filled with people dressing decidedly 90s but with a new twist, that's thanks to Christian Siriano spotted in the first row. Catapulting to fame on Project Runway in 2007, Christian Siriano has a partnership with Rakute, where shoppers can win specific looks.

Client: Rakuten

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argantil's picture

Clueless. But much better than their previous efforts.

Kissmekatey's picture

Alicia Silverstone looks great.