Rachael Taylor spoofs Eva Herzigova's "Hello boys" with "G'day boys" in TBWA/London billboard

Eva's cleavage was revealed in 1994 for Wonderbra, and was recently voted the most iconic ad image of all time. The ad myth has it that this billboard caused several car accidents too, just like the Anna Nicole H&M lingerie ads did in Norway a year prior, but like most press myths this is most likely hype. This billboard was right outside my advertising school in Vauxhall (above D&AD) at the time, and the only one us students weren't trying to deface to make it better.

Since TBWA\London are quite proud of the success with Wonderbra, they went straight to this ad when Bond's asked them to raise awareness that one of Australia's biggest and most loved brands is now operative in the UK. Basically, they recycled an idea from 1994. Three 48-sheet billboards will be present at three sites across London: the Chelsea Yacht Club, Kensington High Street and Finchley Road.

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Says Zoe Hayes, marketing manager at Bonds: "TBWA had me at G'day with our launch campaign for the UK. They've harnessed the Bonds charm and cheekiness with this simple but striking idea - and the scorchingly hot Rachael Taylor complements our very comfy undies (or pants as you folk call them up there). We cannot wait to bring even more fun and undies to the UK with TBWA very soon... Watch this space."

Says Lindsey Evans, president of TBWA\London: "TBWA\London has revisited one of its most iconic ads, applying a cheeky Aussie twist to celebrate Bonds' arrival on UK shores. The result is clever, confident and an ad that doesn't take itself too seriously - much like the brand itself."

It's not the first time "Hello Boys" has been spoofed mind you, How are you my brother / How does my bra fit was a rather clever one years back. TBWA/London spoofing their own ad from 1994 might be interpreted as if they've run out of ideas. So London did the bra one and L.A. did that 1984 ad. Got it. Other iconic work that TBWA staffers have pledged they would create recently are that Zesty guy, who is a spokesperson slut as he does the same schtick for two brands, and the Boring&Predictable work for Crate&Barrel. Fantastic stuff. really.

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