QuietMan Part Deux: The Saga of Semerad, Gattyan and Tabor Continues

After three years of solitude at an undisclosed Shaolin temple on Hester near Grand, the iconic New York-based QuietMan returns with a fresh digital presence, renewed vigor and increased resources. Lead by CD and Founder Johnnie Semerad, long-time collaborator EP Carey Gattyan and Managing Director Seth Tabor; the high-end creative collective looks to broaden its services by way of key talent offerings as well as expanded postproduction and production channels.

The redefined studio will combine high-end design and CG synonymous with QuietMan - a brand that continues to carry weight in the industry despite its hiatus - with the hybrid, experimental collective environment of Semerad which has spent the last few years honing its production through post model. Additional in-house enhancements include a completely overhauled production department with fully developed print, Web and TV arms capable of producing multifaceted advertising campaigns.

"While our famous name is back, it's important that everyone understands that this is not 2007's QuietMan," noted Semerad. "While we will continue to churn out mind-blowing VFX, we will apply what we learned at Semerad to guide any project through the production process from initial idea to final product."

Gattyan noted, "As we've taken on more direct-to-client work and become a more valuable resource to agencies, it became obvious that this was an ideal time to redefine who we are and how we present ourselves to the world. The QuietMan brand has always been so highly regarded amongst the advertising community that bringing the name back was a logical next step."

QuietMan will operate out of the existing Semerad studio, with production support lead by Coordinator Tyler Jarrett.

About Johnnie Semerad:

Johnnie Semerad has handled VFX for high profile brands such as Pepsi, GE, FedEx, Fox Sports, the NBA and HBO to name a few. There isn't an award out there that he hasn't won. He has done countless Super Bowl spots as well as a Grammy award-winning video for the Beatles. But his favorite job is the next one, especially if it involves concept-to-completion jobs or live-action simultaneous with animation. His work with renowned ad director Joe Pytka can only be described as - legendary.

About Carey Gattyan:

Carey Gattyan is an advertising dynamo who has won nearly every award there is and has produced more than her share of Super Bowl commercials, including the unforgettable Pepsi Bears spot. But it wasn't always so. In the fall of 1996, Carey's sister submitted her resume for a receptionist's position at an "effects house" listed on the back page of Shoot Magazine. Six weeks later, Carey, who was about four credits shy of a master's degree in child psychology, was producing award-winning campaigns for Johnnie Semerad.

About Seth Tabor:

Seth Tabor met QuietMan Founder Johnnie Semerad over an egg-and-cheese sandwich in the Fall of 2004 and neither one of them has ever looked back. Prior to joining QuietMan, Seth worked with Semerad at the studio sharing his name as well as Curious Pictures and Open Frame Productions, among other production companies and agencies.

About QuietMan:

The brainchild of CD and Founder Johnnie Semerad and long-time collaborator EP Carey Gattyan, QuietMan is a high-end creative collective set in an innovative workshop atmosphere that fuels projects from concept to completion. A recently overhauled production department includes fully developed print, web and TV arms capable of producing multifaceted advertising campaigns with a specialty in high-quality, groundbreaking VFX.

Read more: https://www.trustcollective.com/portfolio/content/quietman_launch.php#ixzz13lerZGhc
Attribution: Written content created by TRUST: https://www.trustcollective.com
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