Purina/Pet Trust "We Could Be Heroes" (2013) 2:11 (Canada)

Pet Trust is the first charitable fund dedicated to cancer cure and prevention in dogs and cats. This spot shows dogs coming together Live Aid style to sing for charity. Very cute, very silly and heartwarming without being sappy. (Be sure to stay for the cat cameo at the end.)

Purina, who generously helped produce the spot, will also match all of your donations to Pet Trust up to $125,000. The site has dogs standing by the telephones, ready to take your call. Really nice stuff.

Pet Trust could have easily gone down the heartbreaking road like the old Pedigree spots used to. I'm glad they didn't.

Client: Nestle Purina / Pet Trust
Vice President, Product and Strategy Communications: Mary Siemiesz
Managing Director, Pet Trust: Karen Scott
Agency: Red Urban
Creative Director: Christina Yu
Art Director: Patrick Shing
Writer: Matt Syberg-Olsen
Integrated Producer: Terri Vegso
Strategy & Development Director: Keith Barry
Creative Resources Manager: Mary-Claire Barlow
Production Company: Untitled Films
Director: Curtis Wehrfritz
Producer-: Michael Smith
Executive Producer: Lexy Kavluk
Production Designer: Matt Hopkins
DP: Kris Belchevski
Post Production: Rooster Post
Editor: Christina Humphries
Assistant Editors: Adam Cunliffe, Jawin Laverde
Producer: Yumi Suyama
Executive Producer: Melissa Kahn
Transfer: Alter Ego
Colourist: Eric Whipp
Online: Fort York
Flame Artist: Ernie Mordak
Assistant Flame Artist: Jason Pereira
Audio: Pirate, Toronto
Director: Chris Tait

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We've seen dogs singing before, but this is really well done. A pug rapper? This makes total sense!